Best Torrent Client For Sonarr


RdtClient emulates the qBittorrent web protocol and allow applications to use those APIs. This way you can use Sonarr and Radarr to download directly from RealDebrid. Login to Sonarr or Radarr and click Settings. Go to the Download Client tab and click the plus to add. Jan 24, 2020 Jackett is a ‘BitTorrent indexer’ service that can be configured to run with Sonarr or Radarr. It allows you to add all of your favorite torrent indexing sites in one place (Jackett), without needing to visit each site individually each time you go to search for a show or movie. Why do you need Jackett? Transmission is a torrent client. I used to use Deluge but honestly found it pretty buggy and unreliable. Transmission also lets you easily run bash scripts whenever a torrent finishes which is huge. Jackett is a tool that Sonarr and Radarr use to search indexers and trackers for torrents. Sonarr is a tool for automating and managing your TV.

Please note that this information is only for Sonarr V3.

Asking for Help

Do you need help? That's okay, everyone needs help sometimes. You can get real time help via chat on Discord or Reddit.

But before you go there and post, be sure your request for help is the best it can be. Clearly describe the problem and briefly describe your setup, including things like your OS/distribution, version of Mono (if not Windows and not .Netcore), version of Sonarr, download client and its version. If you are using Docker please run through the Docker Guide first as that will solve common and frequent path/permissions issues. Otherwise please have a docker compose handy Tell us about what you've tried already, what you've looked at. Use the Logging and Log Files to turn your logging up to trace, recreate the issue, pastebin the relevant context and include a link to it in your post. Maybe even include some screen shots to highlight the issue.


The more we know, the easier it is to help you.

Logging and Log Files

If you're linked here for support remember to get them from the actual log file, put the logs in a pastebin and show us context around what we need to see.

Standard Logs Location

The log files are located in Sonarr's Appdata Directory, inside the logs/ folder. You can also access the log files from the Sonarr UI at System -> Logs -> Files.

Note: The Logs Table in the UI is not the same as the log files and isn't as useful. If you're asked for logs, please copy/paste from the log files and not the table.

Update Logs Location

The update log files are located in Sonarr's Appdata Directory, inside the UpdateLogs/ folder.

Sharing Logs

The logs can be long and hard to read as part of a forum or Reddit post and they're spammy in Discord, so please use Pastebin, Hastebin, or any other similar pastebin site . The whole file typically isn't needed, just a good amount of context from before and after the issue/error. Don't forget to wait for spammy tasks like the RSS sync or library refresh to finish.

Trace/Debug Logs

You can change the log level at Settings -> General -> Logging. Sonarr does not need to restarted for the change to take effect. This change only affects the log files, not the logging database. The latest debug/trace log files are named Sonarr.debug.txt and Sonarrr.trace.txt respectively.

If you're unable to access the Sonarr UI to set the logging level you can do so by editing config.xml in the AppData directory by setting the LogLevel value to Debug or Trace instead of Info.

Clearing Logs

You can clear log files and the logs database directly from the UI, under System -> Logs -> Files and System -> Logs -> Delete (Trash Can Icon)

Multiple Log Files

Sonarr uses rolling log files limited to 1MB each. The current log file is always ,Sonarr.txt, for the the other files Sonarr.0.txt is the next newest (the higher the number the older it is). This log file contains fatal, error, warn, and info entries.

When Debug log level is enabled, additional Sonarr.debug.txt rolling log files will be present. This log files contains fatal, error, warn, info, and debug entries. It usually covers a 40h period.

When Trace log level is enabled, additional Sonarr.trace.txt rolling log files will be present. This log files contains fatal, error, warn, info, debug, and trace entries. Due to trace verbosity it only covers a couple of hours at most.

Recovering from a Failed Update


We do everything we can to prevent issues when upgrading, but they occur, this will walk you through the steps of recovering your installation.

Determine the issue

The best place to look when Sonarr won't start after an update is your log files, before trying to start Sonarr again, use Logging and Log Files to find them and increase the log level.

Migration Issue

Migration errors won't be identical, but here is an example:

Best torrent client for sonarr full

14-2-4 18:56:49.5|Info|MigrationLogger|*** 36: update_with_quality_converters migrating ***

14-2-4 18:56:49.6|Error|MigrationLogger|SQL logic error or missing database duplicate column name: Items

While Processing: 'ALTER TABLE 'QualityProfiles' ADD COLUMN 'Items' TEXT'

Resolving the issue

In the event of a migration issue there is not much you can do immediately, if the issue is specific to you (or there are not yet any posts), please create a post on our subreddit, if there are others with the same issue, then rest assured we are working on it.

Manually upgrading

Grab the latest release from our website - if you're running the develop version you can get the latest release HERE

Install the update (.exe) or extract (.zip) the contents over your existing installation and re-run Sonarr as you normally would.

Downloads and Importing

Downloading and importing is where most people experience issues. From a high level perspective, Sonarr needs to be able to communicate with your download client and have access to the files it downloads. There is a large variety of supported download clients and an even bigger variety of setups. This means that while there are some common setups, there isn’t one right setup and everyone’s setup can be a little different.

Start by using the logging and log files article to turn logging up to trace, it is likely you’re going to need to look at them to figure out what is wrong. And if you can’t, anyone you ask for help will need to see them for sure. Remember to get them from the actual log file, put them in a pastebin and show us context around what we need to see. Nobody wants to dig through the whole trace log (it is huge!), but just a line or two is unlikely to help.

When you reach out for help, be sure to read asking for help so that you can provide us with the details we’ll need.

Testing the Download Client

Start by testing the download client, if it doesn’t work you’ll be able to see details in the trace level logs. You should find a URL you can put into your browser and see if it works. It could be a connection problem, which could indicate a wrong ip, hostname, port or even a firewall blocking access. It might be obvious, like an authentication problem where you’ve gotten the username, password or apikey wrong.

Testing a Download

Now we’ll try a download, pick a Show and do a manual search. Pick one of those files and attempt to download it. Does it get sent to the download client? Does it end up with the correct category? Does it show up in Activity? Does it end up in the trace level logs during the Check For Finished Download task which runs roughly every minute? Does it get correctly parsed during that task? Does the queued up download have a reasonable name? Since Sonarr searches by theTVDb, on most indexers/trackers, it can queue one up with a name that it can’t recognize.

Testing an Import

Import issues should almost always manifest as an item in Activity with an orange icon you can hover to see the error. If they’re not showing up in Activity, this is the issue you need to focus on first so go back and figure that out. Most import errors are permissions issues, remember that Sonarr needs to be able to read and write in the download folder. Sometimes, permissions in the library folder can be at fault too, so be sure to check both.

Incorrect path issues are possible too, though less common in normal setups. The key to understanding path issues is knowing that Sonarr gets the path to the download from the download client, via its API. This becomes a problem in more unique use cases, like the download client running on a different system (maybe even OS!). It can also occur in a Docker setup, when volumes are not done well. A remote path map is a good solution where you don’t have control, like a seedbox setup. On a Docker setup, fixing the paths is a better option.

Common Problems

Can’t see share on Windows

The default user for a Windows service is SYSTEM which typically doesn’t have access to your shares. Edit the service and set it up to run as your own user, see the FAQ entry why can’t Sonarr see my files on a remote server for details.

Mapped network drives are not reliable

While mapped network drives like X: are convenient, they aren’t as reliable as UNC paths like servershare and they’re also not available before login. Setup Sonarr and your download client(s) so that they use UNC paths as needed. If your library is on a share, you’d make sure your root folders are using UNC paths. If your download client sends to a share, that is where you’ll need to configure UNC paths since Sonarr gets the download path from the download client. It is fine to keep your mapped network drives to use yourself, just don’t use them for automation.

Docker and user, group, ownership, permissions and paths

Docker adds another layer of complexity that is easy to get wrong, but still end up with a setup that functions, but has various problems. Instead of going over them here, read this wiki article for these automation software and Docker which is all about user, group, ownership, permissions and paths. It isn’t specific to any Docker system, instead it goes over things at a high level so that you can implement them in your own environment.

Download client clearing items

The download client should not be responsible for removing downloads. Usenet clients should be configured so they don’t remove downloads from history. Torrent clients should be setup so they don’t remove torrents when they’re finished seeding (pause or stop instead). This is because Sonarr communicates with the download client to know what to import, so if they’re removed there is nothing to be imported… even if there is a folder full of files.

Download folder and library folder not different folders

The download client should download into a temporary-ish folder and Sonarr should import from that into your Library folder. If you download right into your library folder, you’ll end up with multiple copies of your media and when there are import issues, you may not notice because your media server will see the download client copy. The download folder will also be a hot mess of poorly named folders and files while your library folder will be nice and neat.

Incorrect category

Sonarr should be setup to use a category so that it only tries to process its own downloads. It is rare that a torrent submitted by Sonarr gets added w/o the correct category, but it can happen. If you’re adding torrents manually and want Sonarr to process them, they’ll need to have the correct category. It can be set at any time, since Sonarr tries to process downloads every minute.

Packed torrents

If your torrent is packed in .rar files, you’ll need to setup extraction. You can typically search your torrent client’s name and “unpack” to find a solution. There are some other interesting solutions in this space, like unpackerr and rarfs, but they’re more complicated. One issue to look out for with packed torrents is that the video file will be copied or hard linked like normal, but it isn’t needed since the .rar files are seeding. That means if you’re using a copy setup, the torrent will be consuming double the space. And if you’re using a hard link setup, your torrent folder will be a little messier because of the unneeded file. This can be mitigated w/ a cleanup script.

Permissions on the destination

Don’t forget to check permissions and ownership of the destination. It is easy to get fixated on the download’s ownership and permissions and that is usually the cause of permissions related issues, but it could be the destination as well. Check that the destination folder(s) exist. Check that a destination file doesn’t already exist or can’t be deleted or moved to recycle bin. Check that ownership and permissions allow the downloaded file to be copied, hard linked or moved.

Repeated downloads

There are a few causes of repeated downloads, but a recent one is related to the Indexer restriction in Release Profiles. Because the indexer isn’t stored w/ the data, any preferred word scores are zero for media in your library, but during “RSS” and search, they’ll be applied. This gets you into a loop where you download the items again and again because it looks like an upgrade, then isn’t, then shows up again and looks like an upgrade, then isn’t. Don’t restrict your release profile to an indexer.

Usenet download misses import

Sonarr only looks at the 30 most recent downloads in sabnzbd and nzbget, so if you keep your history this means that during large queues with import issues, downloads can be silently missed and not imported. The best way to avoid that is to keep your history clear, so that any items that still appear need investigating. You can achieve this by enabling Remove under Completed and Failed Download Handler. In nzbget, this will move items to the hidden history which is great. Unfortunately, sabnzbd does not have a similar feature. The best you can achieve there is to use the nzb backup folder.

qBittorrent 4.3.x

This version of qB changed how torrent folder and torrent name relate, previous to this the folder was named after the torrent. Starting in this version, the torrent folder name can be different. This is fixed in v3.

Searches Indexers and Trackers

Turn logging up to trace

The first step is to turn logging up to Trace, see Logging and Log Files for details. You’ll then reproduce the issue and use the trace level logs from that time frame to examine the issue. If someone is helping you, put context from before/after in a pastebin to show them. It doesn’t need to be the whole file and it shouldn’t just be the error. You should also reproduce the issue while tasks that spam the log file aren’t running.

Testing an Indexer or Tracker

When you test an indexer or tracker, in debug or trace logs you can find the URL used. An example of a successful test is below, you can see it query the indexer via a specific URL with specific parameters and then the response. You test this url in your browser like,5040,5045,5080,5070&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100&tvdbid=268592&rid=34770&season=7&ep=14 replacing the apikey=(removed) with the correct apikey like apikey=123. You can experiment with the parameters if you’re getting an error from the indexer or see if you have connectivity issues if it doesn’t even work. After you’ve tested in your own browser, you should test from the system Sonarr is running on if you haven’t already.

Testing a Search

Just like the indexer/tracker test above, when you trigger a search while at Debug or Trace level logging, you can get the URL used from the log files. While testing, it is best to use as narrow a search as possible. A manual search is good because it is specific and you can see the results in the UI while examining the logs.

In this test, you’ll be looking for obvious errors and running some simple tests. You can see the search used the url,5040,5045,5080&extended=1&apikey=(removed)&offset=0&limit=100&tvdbid=354629&season=1&ep=1, which you can try yourself in a browser after replacing (removed) w/ your apikey for that indexer. Does it work? Do you see the expected results? In that URL, you can see that it set specific categories with cat=5030,5040,5045,5080, so if you’re not seeing expected results, this is one likely reason. You can also see that it searched by tvdbid w/ tvdbid=354629, so if the episode isn’t properly categorized on the indexer, it will need to be fixed. You can also see that it searches by specific season and episode with season=1 and ep=1, so if that isn’t correct on the indexer, you won’t see those results. Look at Manual Episode Search XML Output below to see an example of a working query’s output.

Here you can see the full trace log below

Common Problems

Wrong categories

Incorrect categories is probably the most common cause of results showing in manual searches of an indexer/tracker, but not in Sonarr. The indexer/tracker should show the category in the search results, which should help you figure out what is missing. If you’re using Jackett, each tracker has a list of specifically supported categories. Make sure you’re using the correct ones for Categories. I find it helpful to have the list visible in one browser window while I edit the entry in Sonarr.

Wrong show type

The show type is another cause of poor search results. Most shows should be Standard. For daily shows which are typically released with a date, Daily should be used. Finally, there is anime where using Anime is usually right, but sometimes Standard can work better, so try the other one if you’re having issues.

Wrong results

Sometimes indexers will return completely unrelated results, Sonarr will feed in parameters to limit the search to a theTVDb, but the results returned are completely unrelated. Or sometimes, mostly related with a few incorrect results. The first is usually an indexer problem and you’ll be able to tell from the trace logs which is causing it. You can disable that indexer and report the problem. The other is usually categorized releases which should be reportable on the indexer/tracker.

Certificate validation

You’ll be connecting to most indexers/trackers via https, so you’ll need that to work properly on your system. That means your time zone and time both need to be set correctly. It also means your system certificates need to be up to date. And if you’re using Mono, MONO_TLS_PROVIDER=legacy was a fix from years ago that should not be used anymore, so make sure you’re not setting that accidentally.

Hitting rate limits

If you run your Sonarr through a VPN or proxy, you may be competing with 10s or 100s or 1000s of other people all trying to use services like theTVDb, Xem and/or your indexers and trackers. Rate limiting and ddos protection are often done by IP address and your VPN/proxy exit point is one IP address. Unless you’re in a repressive country like China, Australia or South Africa you don’t need to VPN/proxy your Sonarr.

Using the Jackett /all endpoint

The Jackett /all endpoint is convenient, but that is essentially its only benefit. Everything else is potential problems, so adding each tracker individually is preferred. It allows for fine tuning of categories on a per tracker basis, which can be a problem w/ the /all end point if using the wrong category causes errors on some. In Sonarr, each indexer/tracker is limited to 1000 results if pagination is supported or 100 if not, which means as you add more and more trackers to Jackett, you’re more and more likely to clip results. Finally, if one of the trackers in /all returns an error, Sonarr will disable it and now you don’t get any results.


These are some of the common errors you may see when adding an indexer

The underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send.

This is caused by the indexer using a SSL protocol not supported by .net 4.5, to resolve this you will need to install .net 4.5, which is available on Vista/Server 2008 and above (if you’re on XP/Server 2003 its time to upgrade).

Error getting response stream (Write: The authentication or decryption has failed.): SendFailure

This is caused by the indexer using a new certificate authority that is not trusted by mono 2.10. The solution is to upgrade to mono 3.x, on Ubuntu this can be done via this method: We recommend upgrading to mono 3.x to fix a number of bugs and add support for .net 4.5 features.

The request timed out

Sonarr seems to have issues with certain TLS versions or configurations. If you get the following error messages in your log:

And you can see the following in the trace logfile:

You might fix it by installing libcurl3. On Ubuntu/Debian use;

Retrieved from ''

Best Torrent Client: The only way to keep yourself safe and unidentified when torrenting is to use a VPN. A VPN encrypts all your internet activity and passes it through a secure subway so that no one can see what you’re reading or load not even your ISP or the VPN function itself. One click and you’re safeguarded. This also allows you to ameliorate sites like The Pirate Bay, or access foreign versions of Netflix.

The best VPN service conforming to our tests is ExpressVPN which completely costs just $6.67 per month and has a risk-free 30-day money back guarantee.Is there still a need for downpour clients? Streaming podium are fantastic for listening all forms of media and cloud providers make dispatching files a breeze. But many communities still rely on torrents for receiving content and files with friends and fans all over the world.

The Best Free Torrent Client 2020

Best Torrent Client 2019

No matter which podium you use, your computer’s operating system doesn’t recognize torrent files by delinquency. That’s why you need a positive torrent client that associate you to other P2P users and lets you load files. However, what’s the best torrent client today? Which torrent client will give you the rapidest download speed while giving you plenty of customization opportunities? Well, we have the answer to thesemystery and we have a series of recommendations for the best torrent clients in 2019.

Before we get started, we’d like to take this freedom to tell you a few prominent things. First of all, you already know that P2P is blocked in certain countries and many ISPs throttle your Web attachment when they detect you using a downpour client. So, before you go ahead and download from The Pirate Bay, make sure to take all careful measures. In extension, make sure that you’re using your new downpour client in the best way possible.

That’s why we also advocate our article on the 15 best torrent sites right now. We know that you can’t wait to get started, so let’s jump to what you truly want to know.Many of you will be startled to know that your cyberspace browsing is fully visible by ISPs (Internet Service Providers). These companies have the power to collect your personal data and hand it over to third parties. Therefore, it’s imperative to keep your data protected and unattainable to anyone who tries to collect it. This is principally important if you plan on downloading and sharing torrent files.

Best Torrent Client Reddit

Setting Up Sonarr With Qbittorrent

Torrenting is legal, right? Right. So it’s completely safe to download the first torrent or P2P client you find and start seeding immediately? Wrong.

While torrenting itself isn’t illegal, it is easy to fall into all sorts of traps. From accidentally downloading copyrighted material to giving hackers access to your device, torrenting can be a dangerous business. To torrent safely, the first thing you need to do is find a trustworthy P2P client. The second thing you need to do is download a VPN.

A VPN will hide your location and torrent history to safeguard you against any legal issues, as well as from hackers. Using a VPN in conjunction with a good torrent client is the only way you can guarantee safety while torrenting. With that in mind, we’re looking at the best torrent and P2P clients that are safe to use with a VPN.

When torrenting any kind of file, you cannot always be sure of what you’re downloading. Since torrent files are unregulated, it’s incredibly easy for hackers to hide malware in mislabeled files or software bundles.

When you download these files, the malware automatically installs itself on your device. Depending on the type of malware, this can lead to annoying pop-up ads, bloatware cluttering your CPU, or spyware that gives hackers complete access to your sensitive data.

Using a trusted and safe torrent client will go some way to guarding you against these threats. Some clients have paid-for premium versions that offer built-in virus protection. Others will make sure to screen any advertising displayed within the client.

It can be a good idea to look out for an open source client, as these don’t rely on making money through advertising — meaning no annoying or potentially dangerous ads at all.

Best Torrent Client For Mac

Unlike downloading files in your browser, BitTorrent downloads usually require a separate program, called a torrent client, to grab that sweet, sweet data. But with so many clients out there, picking one to use can feel a little overwhelming.

We’ve got you covered. These days, most torrent clients are pretty similar in terms of features. The biggest differences come from the interface—that is, the look and organization of the main window—and little quirks that affect specific setups. As such, it’s hard to recommend one client for everybody, as one person may have great experiences with a certain client while another has a small quibble that they just can’t work around. So if you’re just starting out, don’t fret too much—just pick one and try it out. As you get deeper and deeper into BitTorrent tech, you may have to do a bit of experimenting for yourself to figure out which one plays nicest with your setup.

Best Torrent Client For Sonarr

In addition, keep in mind that no matter what torrent client you use, you’ll want a trustworthy VPN to keep your activity hidden from prying eyes, especially if it’s not quite legit. Note that PCMag does not condone piracy, which for which BitTorrent is often used. If you use BitTorrent for nefarious purposes, you do so at your own risk. In addition to a VPN, you should also a good malware scanner to ensure you aren’t downloading something nefarious. For more BitTorrent tips, check out our primer on how to use BitTorrent.

Best Bit Torrent Client

BitTorrent, the company that created the BitTorrent protocol, designed it with the aim of making it easy to distribute large amounts of data effectively. The peer-to-peer (P2P) technology enables each person downloading the data also to serve that data to others (a process called “seeding”). This drastically reduces the load on a single server and has many uses aside from downloading pirated material.

So really, BitTorrent is merely a protocol—a tool that, in and of itself, is not at all illegal. It’s what you do with it that matters, just like owning a hammer isn’t illegal, but hitting someone over the head with it is. If you’re considering downloading copyrighted content, that’s illegal.

But there are also great legal uses for BitTorrent, too. A lot of software distributors—particular those that distribute the various versions of Linux—use BitTorrent to do so. You can even use BitTorrent yourself to more easily share large files with friends and family around the world.

Best Torrent Client Mac

Some torrent clients offer every conceivable function. Others keep things as simple as possible. qBittorrent sits right in the middle, aiming to “meet the needs of most users while using as little CPU and memory as possible”.

Best Torrent Client For Sonarr Windows 10

It boasts an integrated torrent search engine, media player, encryption, prioritisation of torrents and the files within those torrents, IP filtering and torrent creation, and it’s the closest open source, junk-free equivalent to uTorrent.

If you’re looking for a cross-platform torrent client that covers the essentials without getting overly complicated, qBittorrent is great.

QBittorrent is also widely supportive of modern operating systems. You can download and run it on Windows, MacOS, Linux, OS/2, and FreeBSD, among others, and it has support for more than 70 different languages.

Best Torrent Client For Sonarr

One of its most popular features is the built-in search tool. It requires a little bit of setup to make sure that you’re complying with local laws, but once it’s there you don’t need to visit any of the torrent sites you would typically use to find your downloads. That has the benefit of potentially skipping over a website that may or may not have been infected with malware or have nefarious money-generating practices like cryptojacking.