Mass Effect 2 Gibbed Save Editor Appearance

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  2. Mass Effect 3 Gibbed Codes
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(last update: April 14, 2013)
The latest version of ME3 Gibbed Save Editor can be downloaded here:
Gibbed for ME2 is available here:
Information about using Gibbed to edit Xbox saves:
A short description of how to use a head-morph file: after opening Gibbed, open the target save, switch to the Appearance tab and click Head Morph, then select Import From File, select the downloaded headmorph and save afterward (new save is recommended, in case there's an error).
When modifying a face I'd recommend using a changelog. So when you restart the game to change something in the creation screen, you'll know the changes that were made and they can be re-applied easily. Also remember to save a duplicate file or folder before changing anything. Many of the described color changes apply to Femsheps only. Changing colors is about intensity and balance. The higher the numbers, the brighter the color. The closer the colors are together, the grayer or whiter the resulting color will be. So, if you want purple, make sure blue and red are higher in value than green. If you want a lighter version of the same color, multiply all three values separately by say 1,2 or 1,5. Gibbed's newly added Color Editor may make things a bit easier too. Adjusting the V- value is an easy way to get a lighter or darker color.
Vector Parameters
  • Hair color can be changed under HED_Hair_Colour_Vector.
  • To add a colored glow to hair shine, change the values under Highlight1Color and Highlight2Color. This can give you a green shine on purple hair for example.
  • Iris color is EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector.
  • Eyebrow color is HED_Addn_Colour_Vector.
  • Lip color is HED_Lips_Tint_Vector. To see good results the scalar parameter also needs to be changed in Scalar Parameters.
  • Eye shadow color can be changed under HED_EyeShadow_Tint_Vector. This changes the color of the eyeliner around the eyes.
  • HED_Brow_Tint_Vector changes the color of the eye shadow on the eyelids. The result really becomes clear when the scalar parameter is also changed.
  • Blush color is HED_Blush_Vector. Once again the result is best visible when the scalar parameter is also changed.
Scalar Parameters
  • Blush is easily changed at HED_Blush_Scalar in the Scalar Parameters. By adding steps of +0,1 or +0,2 to the current value, the intensity can be altered. Often I end up using around 1,0.
  • Lip gloss is changed at HED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar. Usually adding +0,1 or +0,2 will do.
  • Lip color intensity can be determined at HED_Lips_Tint_Scalar in the Scalar Parameters. If no color was chosen in the Vector Parameters, this setting enhances the normal (red) lip color. This one reacts strongly, so steps can be as small as 0,01. I usually start at +0,1 to +0,2, depending on the desired result.
  • Hair shine is adjustable under HAIR_Spec_Contribution_Scalar. In ME3 adding around +0,1 or +0,2 is usually enough. It also works together with HAIR_Shine_Desaturate_Scalar, which reflects colored lights (in ME2 between 0,5 and 1,0). Hair is already pretty shiny in ME3, but in ME2 I used this setting to add more shine to Julie's hair. Hightlight1Intensity and Hightlight2Intensity can be used to enhance the colored highlights determined in the Vector Parameters. I often add +1 to both values.
  • Eyeliner intensity can be changed under HED_EyeShadow_Tint_Scalar. This is the (black) line around the eyes. In ME3 I often find setting it to around 1,5 is sufficient.
  • HED_Brow_Tint_Scalar enhances the color of the eye shadow on the eyelids. Mostly I set this between 0,5 and 1,5.
Texture Parameters
The facial textures consist of two important parts: the diff and the norm. The diff is the actual texture that has the color and freckles and such. The norm is an added layer that reflects the light. To improve the standard textures I sometimes swap the norm texture for a different one.
For Femsheps, the third complexion option (freckles), can benefit from using the norm that belongs to the first complexion, to give it a more silky look.
HED_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.Normal.HMF_HED_PROBase_Face_Norm
The following set of changes can also give Femsheps a smoother and more shiny look:
  • HED_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.PROShepard.HMF_PROShepard_Face_Norm
  • HED_Norm_02: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.PROShepard.HMF_HED_PROSheppard_Face_Norm_Stack
  • HED_Scalp_Norm: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.PROShepard.HMF_HED_PROShepard_Scalp_Norm
  • (Added manually) HED_Scalp_Mask: BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.PROShepard.HMF_HED_PROShepard_Scalp_Spec
Offset Bones
Changing the mouth and the rotation of the eyebrows can be done in the Offset Bones section. The x,y,z numbers are somewhat like coordinates, which determine the location of these points relative to a central (invisible) point. To keep things manageable, I generally ignore the - (minus) before a current value. So, adding -0,2 to the y-value means: (Y) 4,766737 - 0,2 = 4,566737. And adding +0,2 to -4,766737 means -4,966737.
The eyebrows attach at two points: Brow_(left + right) and outBrow_(left + right).
Brow is closest to the nose.
  • For lifting the outBrow_(left + right), add steps of +0,1 to the z-value, usually around +0,3 in ME2. Adding similar values to the y-value stretches the brow outward. If the outBrow is moved more than +0,3 however, the x-value may need to be adjusted a little ( -0,1 / -0,3) because of the curving of the head. In ME3 lowering the outBrow often seems more appropriate, for a more friendly face.
  • Lifting the inner brow (Brow_left + right) can be done by adding steps of +0,1 to the z-value. This helps with some minor eyelid issues in ME3.
  • Moving the bridge of the nose inwards/ outwards can be done by adding steps of 0,1 to the x-value of Sneer.
The mouth can be changed a lot, but needs great care to avoid issues in conversation scenes.
  • For a smaller mouth, add between +0,1 to +0,3 to the y-value under outerUpperLip_(left + right).
  • For smaller lips, add between -0,1 and -0,3 to the y-value of lowerLip_Left + right or to the upperLip_Left + right. Be sure to check the in-game animation after changing these.
  • To lift the corners of the mouth add between -0,1 and -0,3 to the x-value of outerUpperLip_(left + right). This helps faces a lot in ME3, since BioWare has made all mouths look somewhat sad, by lowering their corners.
For the creation of V Shepard I used a lot more, obviously :>
As an example, this is a large part of the change-log used for ME3 Jane Shepard:
(Added) HED_Scalp_Mask:BIOG_HMF_HED_PROMorph_R.PROShepard.HMF_HED_PROShepard_Scalp_Spec
SkinTone: 0,835230, 0,38375128, 0,22919567, 1
EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector: 0,3889103, 0,6253447, 0,2001384, 1
HED_Hair_Colour_Vector: 0,163, 0,0736, 0,0587, 1
HED_Addn_Colour_Vector: 0,01537128, 0,000973118, 0,0009923743, 1
HED_EyeShadow_Tint_Vector: 0,01542302, 0,02145189, 0,01775103, 1
HED_Brow_Tint_Vector: 0,1939722, 0,385973, 0,2514519, 1
Highlight1Color: 0,6392157, 0,2352941, 0,1019608, 1
Highlight2Color: 0,4666667, 0,08627451, 0,02745098, 1
HED_Blush_Scalar: 0,55
HED_Addn_Spec_Lips_Scalar: 0,35
HAIR_Spec_Contribution_Scalar: 1,35
HED_Addn_Colour_02_Scalar: 1,8
HED_Lips_Tint_Scalar: 0,37
HED_EyeShadow_Tint_Scalar: 2,5
HED_Brow_Tint_Scalar: 1,22
Hightlight1Intensity: 2,6
Hightlight2Intensity: 2,6
brow_Left: y -0,9 z -0,2
brow_right: y -0,9 z -0,2
upperLip_Left: x +0,1 y -0,3 z -0,1
upperLip_right: x +0,1 y -0,3 z -0,1
lowerLip_right: x +0,1 z -0,1
lowerLip_Left: x +0,1 z -0,1
outerUpperLip_left: x -0,15
outerUpperLip_right: x -0,15
Sneer: x -0,5

Default Shep's hair

Hair Mesh:

LOD #0 Vertices:
*** Thanks to Dizzig, who did most of this and Riesenwiesel from the BSN ***

Number = X-value

250 = 0
251 = 0
252 = 0
253 = 0
254 = 0
255 = 0
256 = 0
257 = 0
269 = 0
270 = 0
271 = 0
287 = 0
288 = 0
289 = 0
290 = 0
291 = 0
292 = 0
293 = 0
300 = 0
330 = 0
331 = 0
340 = 0
355 = 0
356 = 0
357 = 0
358 = 0
362 = 0
363 = 0
364 = 0
365 = 0
366 = 0
367 = 0
368 = 0
369 = 0
415 = 4,9
416 = 5,2
417 = 4,7
418 = 2,7
419 = 1,7
420 = 3,9
478 X +0,2 (= 7,241583) Y +0,4 (= -3,78487182) Z +0,0 (= 175,059723) *
1455 X -0,02 (= 7,021583) Y +0,3 (= -3,68487167) Z +0,5 (= 175,559723) *
1457 X +0,0 (= 7,588811) Y +0,0 (= -2,00926352) Z +0,3 (= 175,633957) *
1462 = 0
1463 = 0
1464 = 0
1465 = 0
1466 = 0

1898 X -0,3 (=6,221908) *
1900 X -0,06 (=8,106987) *
* The resulting numbers are slightly different for each morph.

by JRsV (last update: April 14, 2013)
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  • One of the most important downloads for modding, this is the program you need to replace textures for all three ME games.

Mass Effect 2 Coalesced Editor. Mass Effect 2 Suicide Mission Survival Calculator. ME1 to ME2 Face Code Converter. Bravenu3's commented list of extracted audio files for out-game listening - This is a list / helper, not a mod. Requires gibbed's audio extractor (above). This is a Guided tour of tweaking Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3. I got fed up with having to relearn how to install editing tools, where to find codes that actually work, and going to several different websites to do just one thing. This is primarily for my own use, a resource hub if you will. All authors are credited. Mass Effect 2 PC. PlayStation 3 Xbox. Any more in the inventory and i dont know what the hell went wrong so if any one here guide me how add weapons in the Gibbed.

In-game calculate how much 'Talent Points' your character would have after a respec and write it up, then load the savegame you want to modify with Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor. Under the 'Raw' tab, '- 2. Squad', and a expanded '+ Player' located these two fields directly under + Appearance: Class Friendly name Class Name 3. Ottemis's Gibbed Femshep Hair, Hats and Textures Original Forum Post This is meant to get all the gibbed facial textures and hairstyles for femshep in one place, instead of scattered all over the web. Custom Hairstyles: Kelly's Hair Mesh: BIOGHMFHIRPRO.Mom.HMFHIRMomMDL.

  • Texmod tutorials can be found here
  • A group where modders can post their work for people to browse and download.
  • This group is also for people who use mods to post their modded characters and screenshots/art of their modded game.
MassEffect faces database
  • You can browse this database for face codes and/or headmorphs, includes both ME2 and ME3
  • If you want to use mine you can find me in the database here
ModdingMasterpost on tumblr – lists of mods for all three ME games

GibbedSave Editor for ME3
  • A tutorial for modifying faces in gibbed can be found here
  • A general guide to using gibbed can be found here
  • Tutorials can be found here
  • Instructions for using ME3 explorer to install PCC file mods here
  • Advanced modding made easy guide
  • ME3 explorer forum
ME3Coalesced Editor
  • The link where I originally downloaded this seems to be broken, so I uploaded it to my mediafire account. You need this in order to make changes to your coalesced.bin file.
  • PC Tweaks Mass Effect wikia
  • Mass Effect 3 is finally on Nexus, TONS of mods here!
  • A coelesced.bin file replacement that does it all – unlocks tons of armors, casual outfits, flycam, and more.
  • I had problems with the flycam when using this file, so I uploaded my edited version of chemieali_coalesced_v1.4_LITE.rar that you can download here
ME3MOD: High Resolution textures + v1.5 illumination MOD
  • I’m using this in my current ME3 game and it looks amazing! You can even customize it by editing the Sweetfx_settings text document, which can be editing during your game. Press the ‘pause break’ key to see the results of your edit in game until you adjust it to your liking.
  • This link is great for everything – hair mods, casual attire, tutorials (for gibbed, texmod, ME3 explorer), and more.
  • Guides for texture and mesh mods, including tutorials for advanced modding.
  • HR Textures by Ottemis- Texture mods, armor sets, environments, and more
  • Includes the pink party mod, npc mods, armor mods, hair mods, and more.
  • Also has lots of great tutorials on both using mods and creating mods.
  • Hair and outfit mods
The Complete Guide for Creating Custom Classes in SP
  • Instructions on how to create custom classes for Shepard, including multiplayer powers!

My ME3 Mods

  • Samantha Traynor Long Hair Mod - A collaboration with user-domain-error
  • Pink Citadel Apartment Mod - Watch a video tour of the pink apartment
  • Elegant Blue Apartment Mod - Watch a video tour of the pink apartment
  • Complete list of my mods including my outfit re-textures

Mass Effect 2 Mods

  • You will need this in order to use headmorphs. You can also use it to make edits to your appearance, edit save files, loadouts, reputation points, credits, and much more.
  • Guide to using gibbed for ME2 can be found here
  • Ottemis's gibbed femshep hair, hats, and texture codes here
Returnto Darkness Mod
  • A Mod for Mass Effect 2 that reflects the dark story, and returns to the colder aesthetic style of Mass Effect 1.
  • Adds casual attire, armors, and flycam, among other things. Includes instructions and keybindings.
ME2Coalesced Editor
  • You need this in order to make changes to your coalesced.bin file
  • PC Tweaks Mass Effect 2 wikia
  • Links for some ME2 mods, mostly combat related ones
MassEffect 2 Texture Mods
  • Huge list of texture mods. This is a private group so you must sign up to BSN to view these.
  • Headmorph swap tutorial and links for some texture mods

Mass Effect 1 Updated/Improved Textures Mod


Shaine Hairstyle Mod

High Resolution Black Weapons

Blue Renegade Scars Mod for Femshep

Mass Effect 1 Gibbed

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Mass Effect 3 Gibbed Codes