Kingdom Come Deliverance Reticle Console Command

The Prey is one of the main quests in Kingdom Come Deliverance. During this quest you will be tasked with hunting hares. In fact, you’ll have to compete with Sir Hans at hunting hares, so it’s a good idea to learn how to do this if you want to move on with the quest. In this article we’ll cover hunting hares in Kingdom Come Deliverance so you can make it through the Prey main quest and continue on with the game!

Console Commands and Cheats: Kingdom Come Deliverance. The PC version of the Kingdom Come Deliverance (KCD) allows you to customize certain features. When you're playing KCD, you can use KCD console commands to manipulate some parameters of the game and control the graphics. Activate cheats in KCD: If you've already played KCD during its testing stages, then you may know that there. You can find all items in this guide! How to Use Commands Write whcheataddItem Item Code Note: for example: whcheataddItem af459a00-7a61-4444-936c-5eb27403107a Melee Weapons.

Hunting Hares

We’re assuming you’re in the middle of The Prey main quest, but if you’re not, the hunting process should be pretty similar. First off, pick up a sword and bow from the large box at the camp site. Once you have your weaponry equipped, you can use either to hunt the hares, but we suggest using the sword as it’s a bit easier (although more time consuming).

With the bow you can just shoot the hares as you would any other target. The problem is that the hares can be difficult to hit, especially if you’re not the best marksman. If your shot is as bad as ours then you’ll want to use the sword instead. When using the sword all you have to do is run after the hares. Give it some time and they’ll eventually get stuck on a rock or some other obstacle. When this happens, strike them down with your mighty sword. Don’t forget to loot the hares once you take them down.

If you’re looking to win the competitive against Sir Hans, you’re going to need a few hares, so don’t just stop once you have one. We stopped at four hares and won the competition, but we’ve seen reports of people winning with as few as two hares. At the very least we’d recommend collecting three or four hares before you skip time to the evening hours and speak with Lord Capon at the camp site.

For more strategies and advice, be sure to check out our Kingdom Come Deliverance game hub!

About the author

Bryan Dawson has an extensive background in the gaming industry, having worked as a journalist for various publications for nearly 20 years and participating in a multitude of competitive fighting game events. He has authored over a dozen strategy guides for Prima Games, worked as a consultant on numerous gaming-related TV and web shows and was the Operations Manager for the fighting game division of the IGN Pro League.

Feb 14, 2018

Kingdom Come Deliverance Reticle Console CommandHow to use the console commands in Kingdom Come: Deliverance and disable the HUD for those oh so great screenshots!
Other KC:D Guides:
  • Ancient / Treasure Map Guide.
  • How to Get Money for Lockpicks at the Talmberg.
  • Tricks of the Trade Quest.
  • Pestilence Quest.


How to Use Console Commands

Commands for this game are pretty basic, and act a lot like Skyrim console commands, so you shouldnt have a problem learning them. To use the console, press ~, then input the code and press Enter.

How to Enable / Disable Interface

Kingdom Come Deliverance Reticle Console Commands

  • g_showHUD 0 – Disables HUD.
  • g_showHUD 1 - Enables HUD.

Graphic Commands

  • r_Motionblur 0 – Disables motion blur.
  • cl_fov X – Sets the field of view to X (default is 60).
  • e_ViewDistRatio X – Changes the distance at which objects start to render (default is 500).
  • e_ViewDistRatioVegetation X – Changes the distance at which trees start to render (default is 500).
  • e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X – Changes the distance at which grass is animated (default is 20).
  • r_vsync 0 - Disables Vsync.
  • r_depthofFieldmode 0 - Disables Depth of field durring dialogue.

Gameplay Commands

  • e_TimeOfDay – Shows the current time.
  • wh_pl_showfirecursor 1 – Adds a reticule when aiming a bow.
  • p_gravity_z X – Changes the intensity of gravity (default is 13).

Items & Money

  • wh_cheat_money X – Gives a certain amount of money.
  • wh_cheat_addItem [X Y] – Gives X amount of item with the Y ID.

Note: All Item Commands!

Kingdom Come Deliverance Bow Crosshair Console Command

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  • All Kingdom Come Deliverance Guides!

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