Kingdom Come Deliverance Crosshair Console Command
A note to consider that once a console command is an input, you can return to the main game by pressing enter and the tilde key. From here onwards, the game will see the effects of the console command. Kingdom Come: Deliverance- Cheats. When the Kingdom Come: Deliverance was in its Alpha stage, Cheats were available.
CS: GO console commands contain quite a lot of hidden functionality. You can use them to set an FPS cap, set up a local server, adjust the crosshair, and so much more. All we need is the right keywords and that’s about it.
Now, since most commands only apply on local or remote servers without actually affecting the game, chances are that you can’t break it to the point of no return. Still, keeping a backup is a good idea – just to be safe.
- Active Console Commands Enable crosshair with bow: whplshowfirecursor 1 This enables a crosshair when using a bow. This makes the aiming significantly easier. If you have a bow equipped when you change this setting, you have to re-equip it to see the crosshair. Set the integer to 0 to disable the crosshair when firing.
- Kingdom Come Deliverance is a great game. However, it’s also known for its difficulty and punishing mechanics. That being said, why not use a few Kingdom Come Deliverance commands/cheats to make things a bit easier and perhaps a bit more fun as well?
- This page will serve to list all known Console Commands and cheat codes on the PC Version of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Like games such as Fallout and The Elder Scrolls, players on the PC can open.
With that out of the way, let’s move on.
How to Enable The Console
The console is disabled by default. All you have to do in order to enable it is:
- Click on the gear icon (Options)
- Go to “Game”
- And change the “Enable Developer Console” option to “Yes”
After that, you should be able to bring up the console both in the game menu and while playing by pressing the tilde “~” button. If that doesn’t work, try using “`’ instead.
The exact button may differ from keyboard to keyboard – depending on its language and layout. But, generally, it should reside under ESC and right next to “1”.
CS: GO Console Commands and Cheats
Let’s kick this list off with some of the most popular commands and chats that one can find. Obviously, cheats can only be used on private servers as cheating in multiplayer is anti-competitive behavior.
cl_showfps [Value]: Displays various statistics about the game including ping, FPS, server tick rate, and more. The value ranges from 0 to 5 with 0 disabling the stats and 5 displaying every bit of available information
net_graph 1: More or less the same thing – except it lists everything
fps_max [FPS]: Limits the frame rate to the specified count. This is especially useful for Laptops that overheat while playing as limiting the FPS also limits the power demands
hud_scaling [Value]: Adjusts the size of the HUD. The value ranges from 0.5 to 0.95
hideradar or drawradar: Hides or displays the radar. Wouldn’t recommend it for those of you who are solo queuing
cl_radar_scale [Scale]: Sets the scale of the radar
cl_righthand 1 or 0: Switches over between left-handed and right-handed view
viewmodel_fov [FOV]: Sets the field of view (FOV)
sensitivity [Sensitivity]: Sets the sensitivity – great for more accuracy
god: Makes you invincible
noclip: Allows you to fly freely and go through walls
sv_cheats 1 or 0: Enables or disables cheats (Only for private servers)
cl_radar_always_centered: Centers the map so that you’ll be able to see everything
voice_scale [Value]: Sets the volume of your teammates. 1 is the default value (You can use decimals for making things quieter)
voice_enable 1 or 0: Enables or disables the team voice chat
cl_show_team_equipment: Displays the equipment that your teammates are carrying
disconnect: Immediately disconnects from the server
quite: Immediately closes the game
CS: GO Crosshair Commands
Feeling comfortable with your crosshair is very important. So, here are a few commands that help with setting it up.
crosshair 0: Removes the crosshair (Wouldn’t recommend. Even the oddest pro setups rely on at least a small dot) Use crosshair 1 to re-enable it
cl_crosshairstyle [Style]: Sets the crosshair style. The available options are:
- 0: Default
- 1: Static
- 2: Classic (CS 1.6)
- 3: Dynamic
- 4: Static classic
cl_crosshaicolor [Color]: Sets the color of the crosshair. The available colors are:
- 0:Red
- 1:Green
- 2:Yellow
- 3: Dark blue
- 4: Light blue
- 5: Custom
Custom crosshair colors can be set by using the cl_crosshaircolor_r [0–255] command for setting the shade of red, cl_crosshaircolor_g [0–255] for setting the shade of green, and cl_crosshaircolor_b [0–255] for setting the shade of blue. Basically an RGB setup to create the ideal color.
Though, if you’re going to go to such lengths only for setting up the color of the crosshair, you may as well install the crashz crosshair generator and be done with it. Still, some people prefer the old fashioned way. So, just do whatever fits you best.
cl_crosshairdot 1: Adds a dot at the center of the crosshair
cl_crosshairusealpha 1 or 0: Enables or disables transparency
cl_crosshairalpha [0-255]: Sets the level of transparency
cl_crosshairgap [Value]: Sets the gap between the lines
cl_crosshairsize [Value]: Sets the size of the crosshair lines
cl_crosshairthickness [Value]: Sets the thickness of the outline
cl_scalecrosshair [Value]: Sets the overall size of the crosshair
Server Commands
Kingdom Come Deliverance Crosshair Console Commands
If you host your own servers or if you tend to play on locally hosted games every and then, then you’ll definitely want to check out these commands.
mp_friendlyfire 1 or 0: Enables or disables friendly fire
mp_freezetime [Value]: Sets the freeze period
mp_do_warmuptime [Value]: Sets how long warmups last
mp_warmup_end or mp_warmup_start: Immediately ends or starts the warmup
mp_buytime [Value]: This determines how much time the players will have for buying equipment at the beginning of the round
mp_roundtime [Value]: Sets how long each round will last in minutes
mp_restartgame [Optional Value]: Restarts the game. If you set a value in seconds, then the game will only restart after the set amount of time has passed
bot_kick: Kicks all bots out of the game
mp_timelimit [Value]: Sets how long the match can last
mp_limitteams 0: Removes the team player limit
mp_autoteambalance 0: Turns off auto team balance
mp_maxmoney: Sets the maximum amount of money that players can hold
mp_anywhere: Allows players to buy equipment regardless of where they are on the map
mp_forcechasecam [Mode]: Sets the camera mode after death. This is what each number does:
- 0: Free flight
- 1:Default
- 2: Camera stays on the ground after death
Map Commands
Changelevel [Map]: Changes the current map. You need to know the map commands for this one, so, here are some of the most popular options at this moment:
- de_cache
- de_dust2
- de_mirage
- de_overpass
- de_nuke
- de_shortnuke
- de_inferno
- de_train
- de_cbble (Cobblestone)
- de_canals
- de_subzero
- de_shortdust
- cs_office
- de_austria
- de_biome
- de_lake
- ar_baggage
- de_safehouse
- ar_shoots
- de_stmarc
- gd_rialto
If you’re looking for a workshop map, chances are that its console name can be found at its description. Obviously, it’ll have to be installed on your PC first. If the other players don’t have it installed, then it should get automatically downloaded for everyone after you change the map.
Practice Commands
Practicing on a local/private server is arguably the best way to improve certain skills. Things like smoke throws, efficiently peeking certain angles, etc.
These commands give us complete control of the map and the conditions that we’re going to be practicing in. So, take a look.
sv_cheats 1: Enables cheats (You’ll need this in order to use some commands)
mp_do_warmup_period 0: Disables warmup
mp_roundtime [Value]: Sets the duration of each round (Set it to a very high number if you wish to practice smoke throws so that you won’t get interrupted time and time again)
mp_buytime [Value]: Sets how much time you’ll have for buying items
mp_freezetime 1: Sets the freeze time of each round at the beginning to 1 second
mp_timelimit [Value]: Sets a time limit for the whole game
mp_maxmoney [Value]: Sets the maximum amount of money that you can hold
Kingdom Come Deliverance Command Line
mp_startmoney [Value]: Sets how much money you start with
sv_infinite_ammo 1: Enables infinite ammo (Applies to utility as well)
mp_buy_anywhere 1: Allows you to buy equipment from anywhere on the map
bot_kick: Kicks all the bots from the server
bind [Key] [Command]: Makes it so that the specified key on your keyboard executes a specific command. Comes in handy for quickly toggling commands like noclip. For example, if you wish to make it so that “N” toggles noclip, you’ll have to type bind n noclip
bindtoggle [Key] [Command]: Same thing except you want to use this one for commands that contain 1 and 0 values. voice_enable 1/0 is a great example
sv_showimpacts 1: Shows you where bullets land (Particularly useful for shooting through stuff and seeing if you find your target)
sv_grenade_trajectory 1: Displays utility trails
Side Note: How to Apply Numerous Commands at Once
Creating an efficient practice server requires us to insert a ton of different commands – from adjusting the time and money settings all the way to enabling things like infinite ammo and noclip.
Every time that you open a new local server, all these commands will be reset. That’s why we need a way to execute a set of specific commands as fast as possible.
The easiest way to do that is by creating a cfg file. Here’s all you need to do:
- Open Windows’ Notepad
- Copy and paste any command that you need in there
- Save the file with any name that you want, but make sure that it ends in .cfg
- Place that file to the CS: GO’s cfg folder
- Open the game then launch the local server
- Open the console
- And type exec [filename]
This should execute everything that’s included in the cfg file. Do keep in mind that it needs to be in cfg. If it ends in .txt, then it’s not going work.
Also, when you enter CS: GO’s cfg directory, you’ll notice that there are a ton of other cfg files that get executed automatically. Do NOT touch these. Modifying such things can end up crashing your game in a number of interesting ways.
You can also create another set of commands for things like fps_max. There is the option of making it so that CS will automatically execute a specified cfg file every time you launch the game. To do that:
- Go to Steam
- Right-click on CS: GO
- Properties
- Set Launch Options
- And type -exec [file name]
Wrapping Up
That’s all we have for now. If you think that we forgot to mention any important commands, then let us know about them in the comments section.
To activate the Kingdom Come: Deliverance console, tap the . This is the button below on your keyboard. For users outside the US, this key may display the ¬ symbol rather than ~. With the console activated, type the following commands and hit enter to activate them.
g_showHUD 1
– enable the HUD.g_showHUD 0
– disable the HUD.r_motionblur X
– change motion blur. Replace X with the following:X=0
– offX=1
– cameraX=2
– object (default)X=3
– debug mode
cl_fov X
– change field of view. X designates the degree, and default settings is 60.wh_ui_showCompass 1
– show the compass.wh_ui_showCompass 0
–hide the compass.wh_ui_showHealthbar 1
– show the health bar.wh_ui_showHealthbar 0
– hide the health bar.wh_dlg_chatbubbles X
– show chat bubbles.wh_dlg_chatbubbles X
– hide chat bubbles.r_antialiasingmode
– alters the antialiasing mode.t_scale X
– where X is between 1 and 10. Adjusts scaling.e_ViewDistRatio X
– changes the distance at which objects begin to render (default = 500)e_ViewDistRatioVegetation X
– changes the distance at which trees and vegetation begin to render (default = 500)e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist X
– changes the distance at which grass is animated (default = 20)wh_pl_showfirecursor 1
– adds a crosshair to the HUD while aiming a bow.r_vsync 0
– Disables V-Sync, reducing input lag and removing the 60 FPS cap.sys_MaxFPS = x
– change the maximum FPS to the value of your choicee_TimeOfDay
– show the current in-game timep_gravity_z X
– change the intensity of gravity (default is -13)Save <
saved game filename>
– save the gameLoad <
saved game filename>
– load a game