Bluestacks Thininstaller (1) Exe

BlueStacks-ThinInstaller0.8.6.3059.exe is part of BlueStacks and developed by BlueStack Systems, Inc. According to the BlueStacks-ThinInstaller0.8.6.3059.exe version information. BlueStacks-ThinInstaller0.8.6.3059.exe's description is 'BlueStacks Installer' BlueStacks-ThinInstaller0.8.6.3059.exe is digitally signed by Bluestack Systems, Inc. Until the app developer has fixed the problem, try using an older version of the app. If you need a rollback of BlueStacks App Player, check out the app's version history on Uptodown. It includes all the file versions available to download off Uptodown for that app. Download rollbacks of BlueStacks App Player for.

  1. Bluestacks Thin Installer (1) Exe Installer
  2. Bluestacks Thin Installer (1) Exe Apk

Bluestacks Thin Installer (1) Exe Installer

Bluestack is an Android emulator that can be installed on Windows machines. It allows PC owners to use android apps on their computers like they can on Android devices, without having to install android x86. Already we have discussed about how to install Blue Stacks beta to get Google Play Store.

In this guide we have given about how to root and install the Bluestacks in your device. Full credits will goes to the XDA Senior Member mohazia who has come up with this tutorial. Actually, here two methods are given. Before start to root first remove the Bluestacks and re-install it.

How to Remove Bluestacks:

1. Run command (Win Key + R) -> “%programfiles%BlueStacksHD-Quit.exe” (WinX86) “%programfiles(x86)%BlueStacksHD-Quit.exe” (WinX64)

2. Open “task manager” by run command “taskmgr” -> “Processes” tab -> “HD-LogRotatorService.exe” -> right click -> “End Process Tree”

3. Open “programs and features” by run command “appwiz.cpl” -> uninstall “BlueStacks App Player” & “Notifications Center”

4. Delete all BS folders

“%programfiles%BlueStacks” (WinX86), “%programfiles(x86)%BlueStacks” (WinX64),
Setup from Desktop
“%windir%Installer” -> “View” -> “Details” -> right click on column header (i.e “Name”, “Date Modified”, “Type”) -> “Authors” -> click over column header of “Authors” to sort files according authors -> search for “BlueStacks” and delete.

Bluestacks Thin Installer (1) Exe Apk

Note: “%ProgramData%BlueStacksLogsHypervisor.log” will persist to delete, we will delete it later after restart

5. Download RegScanner v1.95 from here.

Install -> open it -> Registry Scan Options (it will open automatic) -> select all keys in option Scan the following base key -> write on Find String “BlueStacks” -> wait till search finish -> select all and delete -> Resisted keys can be deleted manually by open in Regedit (F8)

I can’t support this application because I have Windows 7 Manager, with perfect Registry Tools 1.1, it backup & delete all keys automatic

6. Repeat step (5) by searching for “Notification Center”

7. Reboot your devive now.

8. Now you can remove %ProgramData%BlueStacksLogsHypervisor.log

First Rooting Method:

Download rooted “Root.fs” and modified “initrd.img” for BlueStacks

1. Download the “BlueStacks-ThinInstaller_0.7.7.813.exe”, “Root_Mod.rar” and “initrd_Mod.rar” from here

2. Setup BlueStacks by file “BlueStacks ThinInstaller_0.7.7.813.exe”

3. After setup finish installing, and BS open, close it (even before click “Got it”) then run command (Win key + R) “%ProgramFiles%BlueStacksHD-Quit.exe” (WinX86), “%programfiles(x86)%BlueStacksHD-Quit.exe” (WinX64).

4. Extract “Root_Mod.rar” and “initrd.rar” into same folder “%programdata%BlueStacksAndroid” (P.S no need to make backup because it’s already packed in zip file on “%programdata%BlueStacksSetup[xxxxxxxx].zip”

5. Open run command “%programfiles%BlueStacksHD-StartLauncher.exe” (WinX86), “%programfiles(x86)%

Now, Your Bluestacks have root permission and Google apps.

Second Rooting Method:

Rooting your “Root.fs” by your self, this method allow you root any versions of BlueStacks. it need to download “Portable Ubuntu Remix”, [INFO: it’s a portable Linux Ubuntu 10.4 LTS emulator that works under windows environment. for more information see PROJECT.

1. Download “Portable Ubuntu Remix” from here

2. Download “BlueStacks” from here

3. Run “Portable Ubuntu Remix” and change the path to “%programfiles%” (WinX86) “%ProgramFiles(x86)%” (WinX64)

4. Setup “BlueStacks” until it open -> close it.

5. Open run command (win key + R) “%ProgramFiles%BlueStacksHD-Quit.exe” (WinX86), “%programfiles(x86)%BlueStacksHD-Quit.exe” (WinX64).

6. Make RAR backup of your original “%programdata%BlueStacksAndroidData.sparsef s” in case of any errors may happen later.


8. Follow steps of H- EDITING INITRD.IMG and place it in “%ProgramData%BlueStacksAndroid” (P.S: don’t worry about original “initrd.img” because it is packed in zip file @ “%ProgramData%BlueStacksSetup[xxxxxxx].zip”.

9- Open run command “%programfiles%Portable_Ubuntu_V4_slim2pubuntu.e xe” (WinX86), “%ProgramFiles(x86)%Portable_Ubuntu_V4_slim2pubu ntu.exe” (WinX64) and wait till it fully loaded (i.e top toolbar).

10. From the top toolbar select Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal.

11. Write the following commands (P.S: # means a note for you, it’s not a command):


# Take a root permission
sudo su
# It will ask you for a root password: 123456

# Create a working folders
mkdir /b
mkdir /b/root
mkdir /b/system_sfs
mkdir /b/system_img

# Resize Root.fs to 500 MB
e2fsck -f -y “/media/cofs2/ProgramData/BlueStacks/Android/Root.fs”
resize2fs -f “/media/cofs2/ProgramData/BlueStacks/Android/Root.fs” 500M

# Mount root.fs to root folder
mount -o loop “/media/cofs2/ProgramData/BlueStacks/Android/Root.fs” /b/root

# Mount system.sfs to system_sfs folder
mount -o loop /b/root/android/system.sfs /b/system_sfs

# Extract system.img to /b folder
cp /b/system_sfs/system.img /b/root/android

# Resize system.img
e2fsck -f -y /b/root/android/system.img
resize2fs -f /b/root/android/system.img 480M

# Unmount system_sfs and delete it (make sure the command not unmount)
umount /b/system_sfs
rm /b/root/android/system.sfs
rmdir /b/system_sfs

# Mount system.img into system_img
mount -o loop /b/root/android/system.img /b/system_img

# Copy MOD “Superuser” & extracted “su” binary, busybox files (which you already did in step 7)
cp “/media/cofs2/pubuntu/Superuser.apk” /b/system_img/app
cp “/media/cofs2/pubuntu/su” /b/system_img/bin
cp “/media/cofs2/pubuntu/su” /b/system_img/xbin
cp “/media/cofs2/pubuntu/busybox” /b/system_img/xbin
chmod 6755 /b/system_img/bin/su
chmod 6755 /b/system_img/xbin/su

# Un mount system_img & delete folder
umount /b/system_img
rmdir /b/system_img

# Set Permission for system.img
chown 0:2000 /b/root/android/system.img
chmod 0644 /b/root/android/system.img

# Unmount root and save changes into root.fs
umount /b/root
rmdir /b/root
rmdir /b

12. Close Terminal and shut down Portable Ubuntu from system menu at top toolbar -> Shut Down

13. Open run command “%programfiles%BlueStacksHD-StartLauncher.exe” (WinX86), “%Programfiles(x86)%BlueStacksHD-StartLauncher.exe” (WinX64)

14. After BlueStacks run, download custom launcher (like Go Launcher HD for Pad, Apex).

15. Now your BlueStacks have root permission.

16. Make RAR backup of your “Root.fs” and “initrd.img”.

Incoming search terms:

  • how to root bluestacks
  • HowtoInstallandRoottheLatestBluestacks-BestAndroidBlog
  • BlueStacks root
  • bluestack root
  • how to root bluestack
  • bluestacks SUPERUSER
  • root bluestacks
31.8 M

Run Android apps on your PC

Older versions of BlueStacks App Player

It's not uncommon for the latest version of an app to cause problems when installed on older smartphones. Sometimes newer versions of apps may not work with your device due to system incompatibilities. Until the app developer has fixed the problem, try using an older version of the app. If you need a rollback of BlueStacks App Player, check out the app's version history on Uptodown. It includes all the file versions available to download off Uptodown for that app. Download rollbacks of BlueStacks App Player for Windows. Any version of BlueStacks App Player distributed on Uptodown is completely virus-free and free to download at no cost. Nov 23th, 2020 Oct 16th, 2020 Aug 4th, 2020 Jun 22nd, 2020 May 14th, 2020 Mar 21st, 2020 Feb 12th, 2020 Jan 8th, 2020
Bluestacks thin installer (1) exe download Oct 8th, 2019
Bluestacks Thininstaller (1) Exe Aug 28th, 2019
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